How to make a mod

1. open godot

2. make a new project

3.make a new folder within the project called mod

4. create a new scene located in the folder you just made

result should look something like this

5. add a script to the root node of the scene
6. make a new variable called time with the amount of time you want for the game
.7 in the ready function put get_parent().get_parent().get_node("do").text = "[text]"
8. replace [text] with what you want to appear before the microgame
9. to make it so that the game is won put get_parent().get_parent().win() and to make it so that you lose (not including lose by time out) put get _parent().get_parent().lose()
10 export the pck with the same name as the scene
here is how you export a pck

if you want to add your own music do = load(path to music)
in the ready function

add sprite in a folder called the same thing as your mod within the mod folder

screen size is 512x300

to get what the current level is do get_parent().get_parent().level
to get the current speed do get_parent().get_parent().speed

Files 10 kB
Aug 06, 2021

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